Private: Blog

To Prevent Cervical Cancer, Stop HPV

Cervical Cancer Prevention week in the UK (20-27 January) has meant busy days for Prof. Margaret Stanley, President of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS).  IPVS is the leading global authority on the human papillomavirus (HPV).  To prevent cervical cancer, we must stop HPV.  On Wednesday, January 22nd, Prof. Stanley took to the podium in the […]

By Chris Amsinger | Webinars

IPVC 2020 – portal to conference materials

Access to IPVC 2020 program sessions, workshops, e-posters and abstracts is possible for IPVS members (only).   Links: Scientific program sessions Workshops E-posters Abstracts

By Chris Amsinger | Webcasts

HPV2017 Webcasts

By Julie Thomas | Webcasts

4th Helsinki HPV Workshop

Helsinki HPV symposium 2012 On January 12th, 2012 the University of Tampere and Helsinki, the Family Federation Finland and the Finnish Medical Association co-organised the 4th Helsinki HPV Workshop on Vaccinating Women and Men against Premature Death. The topic of the workshop was “Human Papillomavirus vaccination: safety, sound efficacy and public health effectiveness” and many […]

By Julie Thomas | Webcasts

Webinar 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris a euismod augue. Praesent lobortis tempor orci, non

By admin | Webinars

Webinar 3

pellentesque felis ultrices vel. Donec id orci vel quam scelerisque congue. Aliquam malesuada tellus ac eros.

By admin | Webinars

Webinar 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris a euismod augue. Praesent lobortis tempor orci, non pellentesque felis ultrices vel. Donec id orci vel quam scelerisque congue. Aliquam malesuada tellus ac eros rhoncus, eget eleifend ipsum consequat. Sed auctor elit nec rhoncus sollicitudin. Maecenas consequat sollicitudin mauris in tempor. Proin et porta erat.

By admin | Webinars

5th Helsinki HPV Workshop

Helsinki HPV symposium 2016 On January 13th, 2016 the University of Tampere and Helsinki, the Karolinski Institute, and the Finnish Medical Association co-organised the 5th Helsinki HPV Workshop on Vaccinating Women and Men against Premature Death. The topic of the workshop was “from disease elimination to the elimination of oncogenic HPV” and many of the […]

By Julie Thomas | Webcasts

HPV 2015 Webcasts


By Julie Thomas | Webcasts