The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) organized The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine Expert Group Meeting was held on 7-8 February 2017, in Washington DC. IPVS’ President Silvia de Sanjosé attended the meeting gathering 24 participants coming from 7 countries and representing 4 organisations.

The Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) were represented to discuss HPV vaccine policy, research and programmatic issues, including the regional implications of the recent Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) meeting. The purpose was also to identify areas for research and assistance in Latin America and the Caribbean region.


vaccine expert group meeting2

Silvia de Sanjosé (IPVS / ICO), Silvana Luciani (PAHO / WHO) and Laia Bruni (ICO)


Detailed objectives of the 2 days meeting:

  1. To discuss evidence updates and implications for regional recommendations on HPV vaccination strategies.
  2. To discuss the status, challenges and needs with HPV vaccine delivery, monitoring and evaluation.
  3. To identify strategies to improve HPV vaccine coverage and cervical cancer prevention, as well as program monitoring and evaluation.
  4. To discuss potential areas for research on HPV vaccine and cervical cancer prevention.


The meeting is expected to result in a publication summarizing the update on the HPV burden in this region; new implementation of HPV screening projects and the introduction of HPV vaccines in National programs in the majority of countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.