Since its foundation, the mission of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) has been to facilitate research on human and animal papillomaviruses and their associated diseases, and to promote the translation of research results into new clinical applications and public health policies. Our vision is a world without papillomavirus-related diseases.

IPVS has members in 110 countries worldwide. Your membership -time, energy, creativity and financial support- is critical to help IPVS achieve its mission!

Join the IPVS now and become part of our global community. You will enjoy many advantages and benefit from unique educational and networking opportunities:

  • Exclusive access to IPVS Education Center – our year-round platform for online educational resources on HPV and related diseases
    • Access to IPVS educational webinars recording (non-members can only attend live webinars but not watch them afterwards)
    • Participate in IPVS ECHO® meetings – a telementoring platform offered to members to support their knowledge and amplify their clinical skills in the management of patients with HPV-related diseases
    • Ongoing access to conference recorded presentations, abstracts and e-posters
    • Visit “IPVS Paper of the week” section to find recommended papers to read – the latest research in the field
    • Watch recordings of IPVS early career workshops on career development
    • and much more!
  • Discounted IPV Conference registration rate
  • Free or discounted offers to IPVS Partners’ Events
  • Join the IPVS Mentorship program (as mentor or mentee)
  • Grant and award opportunities
  • Virtual workshops and networking events for early career and student members
  • Access to the HPV Hub – the online knowledge sharing space for HPV advocacy & awareness
  • Opportunity to participate in the International HPV Awareness Campaign as a local IPVS ambassador
  • Participation in IPVS governance and elections
  • Opportunity to serve in purposeful Committees and projects
  • Newsletters and updates in the field
  • Access to IPVS members directory

NOTE: IPVS membership is entered on a calendar basis. Membership runs from January 1st through December 31st.

Questions? Kindly contact our membership team.


IPVS Membership Services
c/o Kenes International Organizers of Congresses S.A
7, rue François-Versonnex, P.O. BOX 6053
1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 906 9172