IPVS Country Ambassador program in LLMICs
The International Papillomavirus Society has been making continuous efforts to allow researchers and other professionals from low- and lower-middle income countries (as per the World Bank classification) to join the society and contribute to its activities. The new membership category for members from low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs), with a heavily discounted annual fee of USD10, has been greatly appreciated. Also the recent launch of group discounts and payments has helped organisations in LLMICs to arrange subscriptions for their employees or members.
To increase the visibility of this membership offer and raise awareness of IPVS and its educational activities, the IPVS is setting up a Country Ambassador Program in LLMICs. Many researchers, clinicians, NGOs and public health specialists in the field of HPV in LLMICs do not know about IPVS and the valuable opportunities it offers in terms of education, mentorship, grants and much more. We hope that this program will help us to reach individuals who want to learn more about HPV and HPV-related diseases and to benefit from a global network.
What is the role of a country ambassador?
- To share with their local network promotional information about IPVS. It includes a membership packet with a letter that the country ambassadors should circulate to their network to encourage them to sign up as members.
- To share, when possible and appropriate, information they receive about IPVS activities (conference, webinars, HPV awareness campaign, mentorship program etc) with their peers and/or members of their local society.
- To coordinate IPVS participation or representation at suggested regional or local events.
- To contribute to the society with ideas and recommendations, including in terms of educational needs locally
The application process is now closed.
23 appointed ambassadors
Representing a total of 16 low- and lower-middle income countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America