Sasagawa, Toshiyuki
Director at Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology (Obs/Gyn) in Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, Japan
Prof. Toshiyuki Sasagawa is Director at Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology (Obs/Gyn) in Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, Japan.
He holds degrees in medical doctor from Kanazawa University (MD) and Osaka University (PhD), and is the Board member of Japanese Society of Sexually Transmitted Infection, Obs/Gyn Infection, and Adolescentology. He is also the Steering Committee Member of Japanese Society of Obs/Gyn.
Prof. Sasagawa’s research program focuses on pathology, immunology and epidemiology regarding human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. He has established an accurate and highly sensitive detection system of 39 HPV types including all high-risk, probable high-risk and low-risk HPV types using the uniplex E6-E7-PCR. He investigates involvement of HPV-in unique cervical tumors; neuroendocrine tumor, adenocarcinoma of rare histological type, and other organs such as bladder, prostate and oropharyngeal ones using the above HPV test and microdissected FFPE tissues. He has established a new ablation system using tri-chrolo-acetic acid (TCA) to treat premaligant lesions of the cervix or the vagina without any surgical procedures, and studies immune responses enhancing clearance efficacy of these lesions with this method.