Waller, Jo

Reader in Cancer Behavioural Science, Kings College London

Waller, Jo

Former Board member, Committee member

Reader in Cancer Behavioural Science | Cancer Prevention Group | School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences | Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine | King’s College London

Visiting address: Room GH0603334, 3rd Floor, Research Oncology, Bermondsey Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Tel: +00 44 20 7848 4675

Dr. Jo Waller is a Reader in Cancer Behavioural Science at King’s College London. With a background in health psychology, she has over 20 years’ experience of research on the psychological and behavioural aspects of cancer prevention and early diagnosis. Funded by a prestigious career development fellowship from Cancer Research UK, her recent focus has been on understanding non-participation in cervical screening and HPV vaccination and developing interventions to increase informed uptake. Dr Waller led the psychological evaluation of primary HPV screening in England and works closely with the NHS cervical screening programme to develop evidence-based communication materials to facilitate informed choice about screening and mitigate adverse psychological responses to HPV-positive results. She sits on the advisory committees for the breast and cervical screening programmes in England. Dr Waller is an honorary visiting professor at the Institute of Epidemiology and Healthcare at UCL and co-chairs the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine’s special interest group on cancer prevention and screening.


Committee Name
Nominating Committee