Giuliano, Anna R.

Giuliano, Anna R.


Professor and Director Center for Immunization and Infection Research in Cancer (CIIRC), H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Tampa, Florida

Anna R. Giuliano, PhD is the founding Director of the Center for Immunization and Infection Research in Cancer (CIIRC) at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. Dr Giuliano’s career had its inception in the relationship between human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and cervical cancer in women and has evolved over the past 30 years to encompass HPV and penile, anal, and oral cancers, as well as other infectious diseases and their causal relationships with various cancers. Her work has contributed significantly to our understanding of the rate at which HPV infections are acquired and cleared, the proportion that progress to disease, and to HPV vaccine protection against multiple diseases in women and men.

An expert in the field of cancer research with a longstanding and successful record of National Institutes of Health funding since 1990, she has been actively involved in cancer epidemiology and prevention studies conducted among diverse populations in the United States and abroad. In the course of those endeavors, Dr Giuliano was a contributor to the 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report titled The Unequal Burden of Cancer, the 2005 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report that concluded for the first time that HPV is a cause of multiple cancers in women and men, and the IARC Working Group Report on Primary End-points for Prophylactic HPV Vaccine Trials published in 2014. She also has served as an invited participants and Ad-hoc Expert Consultant to the World Health Organization regarding HPV vaccination and research questions related to eliminating cervical cancer.

Dr Giuliano has been honored to receive two important awards from the American Cancer Society (ACS). In 2013, at the ACS 100th anniversary, she was the recipient of the ACS Distinguished Achievement in Cancer Award. In 2018, she was selected for the ACS Clinical Research Professor Award for “Prevention of Infection-Related Cancers.” In 2019, Dr. Giuliano received the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO) Fraumeni Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award.

Dr Giuliano has authored more than 430 peer-reviewed publications.
