Garland, Suzanne
IPVS PRESIDENTStanley, Margaret
IPVS Immediate Past-PresidentKaufmann, Andreas
Committee memberBhatla, Neerja
Committee memberBrotherton, Julia
Committee memberMoscicki, Anna-Barbara
Board MemberGiuliano, Anna R.
IPVS President-ElectWoo, Yin Ling
Board member, Committee memberFeldman, Sarah
Board MemberChatzistamatiou, Kimon
Board MemberCategories
- To participate in the development and maintenance of position and/or policy statements for peer review publication on issues related to papillomaviruses and the development of prevention of their associated diseases, on behalf of IPVS.
- Comment on new scientific, clinical, policy and/or guideline developments and lead professional information services, as needed, on behalf of IPVS.
This committee is open to IPVS members.