
IPVC 2020 Congress Report

Read about the first virtual conference of IPVS in this special edition newsletter IPVC 2020 Congress Report

COVID-19 Won’t Be the Last (or Worst) Pandemic: It’s Time to Build Resilience Into Our Cervical Cancer Elimination Goals

          October 2020 We’ve seen how the COVID-19 pandemic has sidelined other important healthcare topics like HPV and cervical cancer prevention.  We can learn from this situation. This month in the Journal Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (JOGC),  IPVS Board of Director member Dr. Marc Steben, along with Teresa Norris (President […]

HPV Vaccination and the Risk of Invasive Cervical Cancer

1 Oct 2020 Evidence proving that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer has risen to the next level.  Today in the New England Journal of Medicine, the following article was published: HPV Vaccination and the Risk of Invasive Cervical Cancer, with ground-breaking results from a Swedish study in which our own Dr. Joakim Dillner (IPVS Board […]

WHO member states adopt global strategy to eliminate cervical cancer

14 August 2020 This week WHO DG Dr. Tedros Adhanom and ADG Dr. Princess Nothemba Simelela announced that the global strategy to eliminate cervical cancer has been adopted by WHO Member States.  This is an exciting step forward! In terms of eliminating cervical cancer, we’ve moved from a WHO call to action, to a global […]

Interview with Dr. Laura Koutsky, winner of the 2020 Maurice Hilleman Award

Today at IPVC 2020, IPVS and the EUROGIN scientific committee will present the 2020 Hilleman Award to a highly appropriate awardee, Dr. Laura Koutsky, MSPH, PhD, recognized internationally for her research on HPV and the diseases it causes.  Beginning in the late 1980s, Dr. Koutsky focused on the epidemiology of HPV itself, the understanding of […]

The Legacy of Maurice Hilleman & the Award in his Honor

Most people could not tell you who Maurice Hilleman was, although his contribution to medical science has been incredible.  If he were still alive today at 101 years of age, according to those who knew him, this anonymity would probably not concern him too much. The medical profession remembers him.  Maurice Hilleman was towering figure […]

IPVC 2020 – News update

IPVC 2020 – the 33rd IPVS conference, is just days away, starting on July 20th and finishing July 24th in the virtual world. Organizing our first fully virtual IPVS conference has been an interesting and stimulating but challenging experience, offering new possibilities and advantages for communication of the science. We are delighted with the high […]

Obituary Rosita Accardi-Gheit

It is with much sadness and our sincere condolences that we share the following message from Dr. Massimo Tommasino of the IARC: Dear colleagues, With heartfelt regret, we wish to share with the IPVS membership the very sad news that Dr. Rosita Maria Accardi-Gheit of the International Agency for Research on Cancer passed away unexpectedly […]

Obituary for Prof. Dr. Karl Ulrich Petry

It is with the deepest sadness that we report the passing of Professor Karl Ulrich Petry, a most distinguished German gynaecological oncologist known to his friends and colleagues just as Ulli.  Ulli Petry was a valued friend and colleague; his loss will be felt most deeply by the HPV community and to his patients for […]

Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) extends deadline for grant applications

The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases has extended the application deadline for projects focused on the implementation of research proposals for primary and/or secondary cancer prevention in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Investigators from all low- and middle-income countries are encouraged to submit applications. More details about these funding opportunities, including eligibility criteria, are available […]