
IPVC 2020 Going Virtual

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our model of face-to-face meetings as authorities have imposed travel restrictions and physical distancing which are increasingly stringent. To adapt to the current situation, we decided to transform the 33rd International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic Science, Clinical and Public Health Workshops into a fully virtual conference. This will offer our community […]

Obituary for Dra Paula Gonzalez

Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is with great sadness that we communicate the passing of Dr Paula Gonzalez Maya (1975-2020), after a long and brave battle against lung cancer. After arriving from her native Colombia, she worked as an HPV epidemiologist in Costa Rica for nearly 20 years. Paula began her research activities in 2001 as […]


Dear Friends and Colleagues, Following the latest COVID-19 developments and given that the Catalonian authorities have ruled that there can be no major meetings of medical professionals held in Catalonia in the near future, IPVC 2020 will be postponed. We are working on moving the conference to Monday 20 – Friday 24 July 2020 in the expectation […]

COVID-19 Update from the Conference Organisers

Due to the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, we have taken the decision to postpone IPVC 2020. We are currently looking into options and availability for a future date and will provide an update by the latest on Tuesday, March 10. Registrations to the Conference will remain valid for the postponed dates of IPVC […]

International HPV Awareness Day – March 4th

NEWS RELEASE                                                     Geneva, Wednesday 4 March 2020   International HPV Awareness Day on March 4th sets the human papillomavirus in the global spotlight, and that’s important.  HPV is a serious health issue associated with 1 in 20 of all cancer cases in the world.  Each year nearly half a million people die from HPV-related cancer. Many […]

3rd Annual International HPV Awareness Campaign is LIVE!

The countdown has begun – just days away from the 3rd International HPV Awareness Day (IHAD) on March 4th.  The theme for the 2020 HPV Awareness Campaign is “Viral Before the Internet“, again playing on the double-meaning of  ‘going viral’ as we did with the theme of our award-winning 2019 campaign.   So what do an […]

To Prevent Cervical Cancer, Stop HPV

On Wednesday, January 22nd, Prof. Stanley took to the podium in the House of Lords to address the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights (EPF), a network of public policymakers from across Europe committed to advancing public health protection in this area. How well is Europe doing in terms of preventing cervical cancer? […]

Obituary for Dr A Bennett (Ben) Jenson

It was with great sadness that I learnt of the sad passing of Dr A Bennett (Ben) Jenson who died peacefully at the age of 80 on December 23rd 2019 in Louisville Kentucky.  Ben was a major figure in the papillomavirus community who performed crucial studies in the 1990’s using the canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) animal […]

A tribute to a great scientist and a legendary man: Dr. Keerti V. Shah

On Sunday, July 21, 2019, the papillomavirus research community lost one of our greats to kidney failure at age 90 – Dr. Keerti V. Shah.  Dr. Shah, a native of India, received his MBBS degree in 1951 at the B.J. Medical College in Poona, followed by an MPH (1957) and DrPH (1963) at the Johns […]

News From Papillomavirus Research Journal

t is a pleasure to announce that the new Editor in Chief of Papillomavirus Research, the Journal of the International  Papillomavirus Society will be Dr Lawrence Banks Director-General of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste Italy Dr Banks is a distinguished molecular virologist who has made important contributions to our understanding […]